Bicycle Shelters

Bike Shelters

Bike Shelters
Handi-Hut bicycle shelters are designed to meet a wide range of bike parking needs, site conditions, aesthetic styles, and budget considerations. Prefabricated in modular sections, our aluminum bike shelters are designed for easy assembly, economical installation, and superior quality. To ensure longevity, they are fabricated in heavy-duty anodized aluminum, or powder-coated steel, and packed in slim wood crates so they arrive unscathed. Our steel bike shelters are modular as well and can be powder coated any color.

Choose from a large selection of roof styles, sizes, accessories, and options.

Locking Bike Shelters
Bike theft is a serious problem on both public and private property, and the lack of secure bike parking is a major deterrent to using a bike for transportation. For enhanced theft and weather protection, Handi-Hut’s locking bicycle shelters are a welcome solution. Limiting entry to only designated users, they provide two levels of theft protection; high security bike racks inside and heavy-duty doors that accommodate most access control systems. Choose shatterproof glass or stainless-steel wire mesh wall glazing, or a combination of the two.

Custom bike shelters are available upon request.